Outside of beautiful life as a Ph.D. student, I am a writer and translator working in Lithuanian, Portuguese, and Russian. My recent translations have been published in Asymptote, Academy of American Poets “Poem-a-Day” Project, and Doublespeak Magazine. Currently, I am a mentee in the UK's National Centre for Writing Emerging Translator Mentorship program, working with Dr. Kotryna Garanasvili

I am currently open to commissions for translations of Lithuanian, Portuguese, and Russian literary works. For inquiries please contact me at ashermaria@hotmail.com

Other interests include Estonian architecture, 1960s revolutionary and avant-garde cinema, the reverent transplendent lifeworlds of the Skagen Painters, the visual poetry of the Neo-Concrete Movement, the irreverent experience of vegan feijoada, and playing The Decemberists covers on acoustic guitar